If you grew up with a critical parent (or anyone else in your environment), who was disapproving of your efforts and was being judgmental of you in general, you possibly learned that you have to do everything right and perfect, in order to feel worthy.
You decided that in order to be loved and accepted you cannot allow yourself to do anything wrong or make a mistake because that would cost you in losing love.
You might believe that if you are the first one to criticise yourself, others won’t.
There is a difference between feeling the need to perfect something we are doing because of the joy of seeing it complete and between judging ourselves endlessly of how it’s not good enough and therefore that must mean that we are also not good enough, so we need to keep perfecting it because only then we will feel good about ourselves.
These are lies that we have told ourselves and - even though they possibly had a purpose in the past - now it is time to change the narrative.
When you release the energy associated with this pattern by processing any suppressed emotions (for example hurt of being judged) and you change the story you tell yourself about needing to be perfect, you can relax more into your natural self who will start emerging more and more and who was always there, underneath this pattern of survival. You are worthy just because you exist in this world and not because of what you do or not do.
We all are perfectly imperfect and that is part of being human.✨