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Choose Yourself

How often do you put your needs aside in order to please someone else? ⁣⁣


This is a very common type of conditioning that we receive as children when we learn that our needs don’t matter as much as it matters for others to be satisfied (to keep the peace, to be what others want from us, etc.), even if this comes at the cost of our own authentic expression of what we need and of what is right for us. ⁣⁣


When this happens, we essentially abandon ourselves in order to play the role that we think is expected of us. But within, there is our inner self who feels rejected for its needs while another part of us seeks the acceptance and connection by people-pleasing. ⁣⁣


The truth is that we can have both, connection with ourselves and with others and we don’t have to abandon one of the two to have the other but that’s what we have been taught.⁣⁣


Each time that we set our boundaries and we choose ourselves, we develop a more loving inner connection and we actually deepen our relationships with others as well, as the base from which we operate is authenticity and when we connect with others by being our true selves, we form contacts from a place of truly seeing each other. ⁣⁣


When we choose ourselves we can then give to others, if it feels right to us, from a full cup rather than an empty one and while respecting our limits and needs at the same time. ⁣🌟⁣⁣


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